Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Bored in Calgary/Vancouver

Typing away at Vancouver airport

Patiently waiting at Vancouver Airport

It's 10:30 pm and we've just checked in all our luggage. Boarding time is 11:30 not 1 pm as expected. Departure is at 12:10. It's funny, I love flying on planes but this is the first time I'm thinking about "What if the plane crashes?" Must be the old age. It's a good thing we got up early because we could catch the earlier flight outta here. My sis is scowling at me because I'm typing on the laptop killing time while she's sitting on the floor. I gotta admit having a laptop is freaking cool. I'm only typing on it but it's pretty fun to have. Even though there's no internet here in Calgary, I feel like I'm still connected. Well anyhow, time to hibernate it so that it boots up when the harassing officers ask me to show them that it isn't an explosive device. Probably gonna start listening to Mraz.

Oh and the altitude here in Calgary is 1079m above sea level.

I was going to put the Vancouver stuff in a separate post, but figured it belonged in here. We had two hours to kill in Vancouver and were confined to a very small international terminal. Ate at subway and that's the first time I've such a horrible sub. The terminal was kinda cool. I took some shots, but mostly just lounged around. No free wifi! Ah well. I'll have to post when I get a chance.

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